About the Chamber

The Wielkopolska Chamber of Construction (Wielkopolska Izba Budownictwa) is the biggest regional organization of the self-government of business construction in Poland. The Chamber is active on the territory of Wielkopolska and its neighboring regions, including the following: kujawsko-pomorskie, lubuskie, łódzkie, wielkopolskie, zachodnio-pomorskie regions.

The Chamber represents the interests of enterprises dealing with construction – design offices, general and specialized construction companies, manufacturers and companies trading in building materials, housing cooperatives and professional investors.
The following are just some of the actions the Wielkopolska Chamber of Construction continues to take up:

  • promoting companies, organizing shows, symposia, exhibitions, conferences, seminars, meetings, etc.,
  • counselling for preparation and realization of investments,
  • issuing opinions on bills and other legal acts significant for the construction industry,
  • cooperation with state organizations and regional self-government bodies,
  • cooperation with foreign organizations aiming at establishing contacts with WIB member companies,
  • helping foreign companies to look for and choose business partners,
  • organizing trainings,
  • supplying information on WIB member companies,
  • informing about available materials and technologies.

The membership in the Chamber may be obtained by companies dealing with construction, rendering construction-related services, manufacturing and trading in building materials, as well as by housing cooperatives and professional investors.
The members are obliged to observe the Chamber’s charter and its authorities’ decisions, as well as to run their professional activities according to good trading practices.


  1. To represent the members before governmental and self-governmental administrative bodies.
  2. To provide comprehensive assistance to the Chamber’s members with their economic, legal and organizational problems.
  3. To develop and propagate professional ethics standards.
  4. To keep good trading and professional practices.
  5. To develop and introduce bills and to participate in the legislative process.
  6. To support the economic growth of the region.
  7. To integrate the construction industry circle.
  8. To increase the quality of construction services and building materials.
  9. To participle in the education of the staff for the construction industry and to continually raise their qualifications.
  10. To promote the Chamber’s members.

The authorities of the Wielkopolska Chamber of Construction are:

  • The General Meeting of the Chamber,
  • The Council of the Chamber,
  • The Executive Board of the Chamber.

The General Meeting of the Chamber is the highest authority of the Chamber. The Meeting’s competencies include every issue that it covers, particularly:

  1. passing resolutions concerning the direction of development of the Chamber, the Chamber’s position on the most important matters concerning the Chamber or its members,
  2. establishing and dismissing the Council of the Chamber and its members, including the Council’s President in a separate voting,
  3. approving the finance statement and the balance sheet,
  4. discharging individual members of the Council of the Board, including its President, as well as particular members of the Management of the Chamber,
  5. deciding about purchasing or selling real estate,
  6. passing resolutions concerning the amount of the entry fee and the membership fee.

The Council of the Chamber consists of at least 10 members. The Council is chaired by the President, who is elected for two years by the Chamber’s General Meeting. Out of its members, the Council elects one or two Vice-Presidents, who replace the President during his absence, and the Secretary of the Council. The Council’s competencies include:

  1. controlling the Management’s activities and forwarding motions to the General Meeting concerning discharging the Management’s members,
  2. controlling the Chamber’s financial matters, presenting the Chamber’s budget drafts to its General Meeting, preparing opinions for balance drafts,
  3. preparing the General Meeting’s resolutions concerning the direction of the Chamber’s operations,
  4. passing the regulation concerning the Management’s activities,
  5. expressing, on behalf of the Chamber, opinions on all issues connected with the basic goals of the Chamber’s operations, legislative initiatives, opinions concerning business activity, the region’s and the country’s economic situation,
  6. other issues provided in the charter.

Current management of the Chamber’s matters and its external representation are the competencies of the Executive Board consisting of one or more members, including the President of the Executive Board.


The Court of Arbitration was established in 1993.
It was established in order to create a non-state institution with competencies to settle disputes between economic subjects.
Thanks to the participation of foreign arbitrators, the Court has had the status of an international court of arbitrations since 1999.

The Council of the Wielkopolska Chamber of Construction instituted a honorary badge of WIB. The honorary badge of WIB is awarded in three classes:

  • bronze badge,
  • silver badge,
  • golden badge.

The badge may be awarded following a move by a company that is the Chamber’s member, to the company employees.

OMEGA, 60-529 Poznań Dąbrowskiego 79A, Poland
tel. (+48 61) 855 21 92
fax (+48 61) 855 21 92
e-mail: office@wib.com.pl


Nasz adres

Wielkopolska Izba Budownictwa
60-529 Poznań, ul. Dąbrowskiego 79A
tel. +48 61 855 21 92
e-mail: office@wib.com.pl